Michelle Obama & Meghan Markle team up for Girl Up 2020!

Michelle Obama who somehow still feels like our First Lady is always up to some kind of greatness! We are so excited that see that she has partnered up with The Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle for an empowering 2020 Girl Up Leadership Summit that will be held July...

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Issa Insecure

About one week ago I finally finished watching all the seasons of the show called “Insecure” on Hulu. When I was done watching it, all I wanted to do was to watch more. The show is amazing and I’m so glad it is coming back for season 3. What...

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Lust or Love?

Celebrity Love or lust?   Seems to be more of a common question nowadays.  Especially with popular reality shows like Love & HipHop.  Today’s case involves America’s favorite female with the pink wig: Nicki Minaj.  Minaj was featured on Ellen this week and when she mentioned the absence of her...

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