Finding what to do next with your nails can be difficult. Especially when one has tried every style in the book. Searching for the right color or designs cool ideas. No matter what type of chick you are there is a design that will look amazing on you that you haven’t tried yet. knowing what kind of nail your going for is defiantly key. You May be a plain Jane or a fashionisa the perfect style idea is just a few looks away.

Simple / Classy

These designs are perfect for a woman who does not like too much chaos on their nails. The nail designs below are simple yet chic. Nail accents are the best way to go. It says ” I like simple, but I’m not boring.















These are some fun nail designs that may look cool to the eye of the “it” girl. Imagining the designs  in a different color may also go with your style.






What I slide with out glamour. If you like your nails to be noticed these nail designs are cool to make sure your nails get complmented every day … until one breaks or start to grow out.







Life can’t be perfect however your nails can!!!

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